Singing Guide: Marty Parks

Singing Guide: Marty Parks

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Marty Parks is known for his soulful voice, captivating performances, and unique approach to gospel music. To learn to sing like Marty Parks, there are several essential techniques to master.

First, it's essential to develop control over your breath support. Proper breathing technique can help you hit the right notes and sustain them for longer periods. Brush up on breath support by reading this article on Active and Passive Breathing.

Second, focus on opening your mouth and throat for better resonance. Openings in your throat will allow you to sing with a fuller, richer sound. Explore the topic further by reading this article on Why to Open Mouth and Throat While Singing.

Third, work on mastering voice registers. Parks often uses his chest voice, but he effortlessly transitions between the chest and mixed voice as well. Read What are Voice Registers? to understand them.

Fourth, learn how to sing with vibrato. Marty Parks frequently uses this technique to embellish notes and add emotion to his performances. Watch the tutorial on Singing with Vibrato before practicing.

Fifth, get familiar with the concept of resonance. Understanding how to produce resonance can help you achieve a fuller and richer sound while you're singing. The article Resonance in Singing can be helpful.

Finally, your song selection can make a big difference in the development of your voice. Parks often sings gospel melodies such as, "The Blood of Jesus Speaks for Me" or "I Keep Falling in Love with Him," which showcase his natural ability and vocal control. While you learn new songs, use our Pitch Accuracy Test to assess your pitch accuracy.

By mastering breath support, opening your mouth and throat, controlling voice registers, incorporating vibrato, understanding resonance, and practicing with Parks' Gospel repertoire, you'll be well on your way to singing like Marty Parks. Additionally, you can enrol in our Educational Singing Course for 21-lesson instructions on singing theory and practical tips.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.